Embark on the sacred healing journey of sound, feminine wisdom and earth connection with Hollie Hope as she shares wisdoms and healing experienced working with these sacred healing resources available to us all.
Instructional information for how to use various sound healing tools including shamanic drum, medicine drum, frame drum and tuning forks as well as singing bowls to heal the body, mind and spirit.
The sacred drum is more than just a musical instrument. It is how we shift from the SCARED imprisonment and lack of trust in ourselves, to the SACRED embodiment of all that we are. As you learn how to cultivate this relationship with sacred sound, the drum becomes a companion able to expand healing from the recesses inside the unconscious, to the physical body and extends out to connect us with vast awarenesses beyond this 3D realm.
Whether the sacred drum is already an impactful companion or you are curious about where to start this transformative healing, the wisdoms shared in this book will broaden your perspective of how not just playing an instrument can heal, but to become an instrument yourself in supporting others in healing.
This book is a comprehensive guide illustrating how to connect deeper with sacred drum and various examples to incorporate this healing in your daily life. The drum offers to heal not only the traumas of this life, but to cultivate the relationship with our own mind, heart, body, and deep spiritual connections with all life and the very earth we receive so much life-expanding essence from.
Information shared encompasses channeled messages and real live accounts of:
- Healing of mental, physical, emotional and spiritual afflictions with sound.
- When and how to use different sound frequencies, notes and animal medicines.
- Accounts of miraculous transformation with sacred sound ceremonies.
- Reclaiming the sovereignty of the healing nature of the feminine.
- Examples of how to utilize earth elements and energetic frequencies for healing.
- Primal Purge Process for deep somatic release.
- Cultivate sacred healing drum circles and ceremonies.
Hollie Hope is a Master of Integrative Healing Arts & Sacred Sound Therapy. She has been a student of the healing arts for eighteen years. Using wisdom gained from modern science, spiritual mentors and various modalities around the world, channeled communications with spirit guides and ancient grandmothers, as well as observations in her years of practice with clients; she illustrates the logistics of how to partner with the sacred sound of the drum, connect with animal essences, and why the sacred drum is so effective for healing the body and mind. She shares wisdom of working with the ancient practice of the drum while maintaining ethical practices in this sacred work to honor all beings, cultures, and belief systems.
In this guide of fusing sacred sound healing with divine feminine wisdoms, she shares personal accounts of her journey healing trauma from abuse, societal distortions, activating spiritual healing gifts as well as the miraculous experiences of others as these ancient practices supported finding emotional freedom and permanent healing while simultaneously activating their own intuitive healing gifts.
Hollie Hope shares how so many have healed by fusing sacred sound healing with divine feminine wisdoms. Through the personal accounts shared of releasing trauma from abuse, rejecting societal distortions, healing the body and finding emotional freedom many not only found healing that lasts, but also simultaneously activated their own intuitive healing gifts.
It is her hope that you find an awakening within yourself and empowerment to heal the misalignments within, so you can radiate the powerful higher frequency outside of yourself and live in full potency of your personal potential.
Information is openly shared to allow those only recently experiencing the drum’s call and those more seasoned in working with this healing frequency to gain insights as to not only what is possible, but how to and what to expect when working with the power of the drum.
Lorina joY –
A must have for all drawn to the sacredness and healing of drums!