Washington, UT

Intuitive healing & Sacred Sound

My goals are to assist with emotional healing by clearing what does not serve one’s highest good so that they can become individuals who are at peace and in harmony in their life. Being able to create and manifest all of their dreams, desires, and goals. I am a woman of integrity, I am a woman of my word. I bring forth love, patience and peace to assist the world and humanity in rising its vibe. In the Spring of 2021, I received a message loud and clear that it was time for me to move on from my current field of what I was doing. It was time to stop the stress, the fear of doing wrong, the tiredness every single day I got into the car to drive to work. It was time to share my light, my sunshine. I didn’t know exactly what it was that I would be doing, something in the health and wellness field. I completely trusted my instinct more than I had ever before. The Universe was lining everything up for me and I knew the time is Now!

At this same time, I had been able to come to a completion with one of my dreams. I had known for years that this was to be but did not realize I needed to clear some emotions and also change my perspective on how I viewed a certain aspect. As soon as I released, I set a clear intention and I received my manifestation in full! Knowing that I can create and manifest whatever it is my heart desires is what I want to share with all and educate them on how to do it!

For questions or to book your private session, please call/text (435) 229-0028